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Bail Bond Scams


Neon Bail Bond Sign
You get a call and a person you don't know says a loved one has been arrested and needs you to bail them out. You just need to send money through an App......its a scam.
Scammers are using some version of the scam mentioned above to scam you. Sometimes they call and use a fake name, or may even claim to be from a reputable bail bond company.
Regardless of what they tell you, you need to do your homework. "Always verify who the bonding company is by checking with Google, the sheriff's office or police department, demand to meet in person at their office, or by checking with the circuit clerk's office. Bonding companies and their agents must be approved and on file with the circuit clerk."
PLUS, the Bail Bond process requires paperwork. "Any legitimate bail bonding company would have to meet the defendant or cosigner to get them out," -area bond company.
You should think SCAM if they are seeking payment for the bond process but will not accept cash or they are asking family members to send payment through phone apps, such as CashApp, Venmo and others.
Legitimate bail bond companies accept Cash, credit and debit cards.
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